Exit 41 M1 Pacific Highway Upgrade
Efficiently transported and installed 14 girders for a 2-span bridge with 350t and 450t All Terrain Cranes, involving complex logistics and Pacific Highway closures over 4 nights.

Georgiou Group

Exit 41 M1 Pacific Highway Upgrade



Liebherr LTM1350-6.1
Grove GMK7450
- Installation of a 2-span bridge with 14 girders (85t each).
- Closure of Pacific Highway for 4 nights (both Northbound and Southbound lanes).
- Dual lifting with 350t and 450t All Terrain Cranes.
- Transportation of girders using 4 x 8 steerable Jinkers.
- Removal and reinstallation of Temporary Traffic Barriers.
- Strict timing to reopen the highway before morning peak hours.
- Installation of 3 to 4 girders each night.

- 2 x span bridge consisting of 7 girders per span @ 85t each girder. 14 girders total.
- Closure of Pacific Highway for 2 x nights for both the Northbound & Southbound to allow for safety installation. Total 4 nights.
- Dual Lifting with 350t & 450t All Terrain Cranes
- Liebherr LTM1350-6.1 140t C/W & TY-guying. 16m radius.
- Grove GMK7450 160t C/W & Mega Wing. 22m radius.
- Transported from ENCO Precast to Exit 41 utilising 4 x 8 steerable Jinkers (One at each end of the girder)
- Removal of Temporary Traffic Barriers at the start of each shift and re-installation at the end to allow for transportation setup to position girders for cranage.
- Pacific Highway Lane closures were required for Grove GMK7450 to mobilise to site as it was sitting in the median strip between Northbound & Southbound pavement.
- Strict timing was in place to ensure the highway reopened prior to morning peak hour traffic.
- Transportation permitting allowed the girders to leave at 9:00pm from the precast yard and arrived at 10:30pm (which wouldn’t have being possible without the permits). The Pacific Highway had to reopen at 4:00am so timing was critical. Each night 2 x girders were onsite from the previous nights delivery to make the most of the highway closure timeframes and to reduce the total number of nights for the works.
- By leaving girders onsite from the previous night, this allowed Georgiou (Client) to fix outside handrails to the outside girders for safety protection for both the construction workers and the public travelling underneath this highway overpass bridge.
- Each night 3 or 4 girders were installed.
- Our Liebherr LTM1350-6.1 had to shift from one Abutment to the next to instal the second span. The Grove GMK7450 was able to remain in the same position for both spans.
- Overall this was a very successful instal and we look forward to more complex and challenging projects.